OVERSEAS STUDENT SUPPORT SITE STUDY IN HOKKAIDO Hokkaido has the ideal environment for university life.

Useful Information


♦ Planning studies in Japan
"Scholarship for International Students in Japan 2022-2023"
https://www.studyinjapan.go.jp/en/planning/by-style/pamphlet/ (Japanese and English)
Scholarship Opportunities. "JAPAN STUDY SUPPORT" Scholarships.
https://www.jpss.jp/ko/my/scholarship/application/ (English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai)
♦ HIECC International Student Supporter Program
90 international students studying at universities in Hokkaido will be chosen as HIECC International Student Supportes. The International Student Supporters have mission to deliver a message to tell the beauty of Hokkaido by using social media and to join exchange programs in Hokkaido. 50,000 JPY / a year will be provided to each supporter as a promotion cost.
Please confirm the details at each university for further information.
URL (under construction)
♦ Support by City of Kitami
Applicants could be vocational school, junior college, university and graduate school students (incl. research scholars)


U.S. Consulate General Sapporo
Consulate-General of the Republic of Korea in Sapporo
Consulate-General of the Russian Federation in Sapporo
Consulate-General of the People's Republic of China in Sapporo
Canadian Government Trade Office, Sapporo


♦ Student dormitories that accept overseas students
Sapporo International Student Center
https://www.city.sapporo.jp/kokusai/shisetsu/e-sisc-top.html (English and Japanese)
♦ Comprehensive Renters Insurance

For those wishing to enter private-sector lodging, the Comprehensive Renters Insurance system enables overseas students to search for accommodation with the need for a guarantor.

Comprehensive Renters Insurance (Japan Educational Exchanges and Services)
http://www.jees.or.jp/crifs/index.htm (Japanese)

Medical insurance

♦ National Health Insurance (NHI)

In Japan, a national medical insurance system is available to reduce medical costs.
Foreign residents who will be staying in Japan for three months or more have to subscribe to the National Health Insurance program (NHI; also known as “Kokuho”).
Note: Students who will be studying in Japan for less than three months should contact the school where they will be studying.

Procedures for enrollment
Register for the National Health Insurance at the municipal office after completing resident registration in your local municipal office.

Health insurance premium
The annual premium is about JPY 20,000 in most cases. The premium varies according to the municipality and your income. A premium reduction plan or support system may be available to students, so you should contact the municipal office.

♦ Accident/property insurance and kyosai

To cover expenses incurred by an unexpected accident, etc. that is not covered by National Health Insurance, there are casualty insurance plans and personal liability insurance plans into which international students can also enroll. Information on various types of insurance will be provided by your school. It is a good idea to take them into consideration.

Personal Accident Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research ("Gakkensai")
http://www.jees.or.jp/gakkensai/ (Japanese)

Univesity CO-OP's Kyosai
https://kyosai.univcoop.or.jp/english/index.html (Japanese and English)

Visa and immigration procedures

♦ Visa and Immigration procedures (Immigration Services Agency of Japan)
Explanations regarding the procedures for entering Japan

Everyday information and advice

Welcome to Hokkaido (Hokkaido government)
This is a multilingual version of the Hokkaido website. Here one can obtain various kinds of information, including that on matters concerning daily life, disaster prevention, tourism and business.
https://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/foreign/english.htm (English, Chinese, Korean and Russian)
A Daily Life Support Portal for Foreign Nationals (by Immigration Services Agency of Japan)
http://www.moj.go.jp/isa/support/portal/index.html (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Living Guide (by Hokkaido Government)
https://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/ss/tsk/foreign/english_live.htm (English, Chinese, Korean and Russian)
A Guide to Living in Sapporo (City of Sapporo)
Features useful information on life in Sapporo for non-Japanese residents.
https://www.sapporolife.info/en (English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese)

Japanese language schools

IAY International Academy (Sapporo)
http://www.myiay.com/j/e/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Department of Japanese Language, Sapporo AOBA Vocational College (Sapporo)
https://www.aoba-jl.jp/aobaENG4/index.html (English, Chinese and Vietnamese)
Japanese Language Institute of Sapporo (Sapporo)
http://jli.co.jp/en/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Sapporo Language Center (Sapporo)
http://www.sprlc.jp/en.html (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Soken Gakuen Kanyobi Japanese Language Course (Sapporo)
http://www.kanyobi-nihongo.jp/e/index.html (English and Chinese)
Hokkaido AskGate Japanese Language School Sapporo Campus (Sapporo)
https://www.askgate-jpschool.com/en-top (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Hokkaido Japanese Language Academy Sapporo Main Campus (Sapporo)
http://h-nihongo.org/en/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Yu Language Academy Sapporo (Sapporo)
https://yula.jp/en/top/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
SIL Sapporo Nihongo Gakko (Sapporo)
http://www.silnihongo.com/homeeng.html (English and Chinese)
Hokkaido Japanese Language School (Sapporo)
https://www.hokkaido-jals.com/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Hokkaido HSL Japanese Language School (Eniwa)
http://www.shizunai.co.jp/hsl/ (Japanese)
Oneworld Japanese Language School (Asahikawa)
https://www.asahikawa-jls.com/ (Japanese)
Asahikawa Welfare Professional Training College (Japanese Course) (Higashikawa Town)
http://www.hokko.ac.jp/kyokufuku/course_nihongo.html (Japanese)
Higashikawa Japanese Language School (Higashikawa Town)
http://higashikawa-jls.com/ (Japanese)
Japanese Language School in Tokachi (Obihiro)
https://www.jls-tokachi.com/en/ (English, Indonesian and Vietnamese)
Nihongo Support Hokkaido (Obihiro)
https://www.nihongosupport-hk.or.jp/ (Japanese)
Iwatani Higashi Hokkaido Japanese Language School (Nakashibetsu Town)
http://icb-nihongo.jp/eng (English, Mongolian, Chinese and Vietnamese)
Japanese Language Education Program, Hokkaido College of Education and Welfare (Muroran)
https://hokuto-bunka.ac.jp/sweh/features/ (Japanese)
Hakodate School, Ohara College of Civil Service, Medical Clerks and Japanese Language (Hakodate)
https://www.o-hara.ac.jp/senmon/school/hakodate/ (Japanese)
Japan International Language Academy Hakodate (Hakodate)
https://j-ila.com/en/ (English, Chinese, Korean and others)
Richinomori Japanese Language School Hakodate (Hakodate)
https://rjls-hakodate.com/ (Japanese)

Employment Information for International Students

♦ Job Hunting Guide for International Students 2024 (Japan Student Services Organization)
Job hunting activities in Japan are very unique and very different from job hunting in your own country. In order to succeed in job hunting in Japan, it is important to know about the recruitment circumstances in Japan.
https://www.jasso.go.jp/ryugaku/after_study_j/job/guide.html (English, Chinese and Korean)